Lost BoysJan 2024
This is an AI generated fiction docummentary series.
Lost Boys is a personal project that was born from a film script written by myself inspired by the Brazilian Book “Capitaes de Areia”, by Jorge Amado. The original script was written in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and when I moved to NYC I felt the urge to bring this universe and characters to life in the city I had just moved into and have been discovering in my every day life.
In this body of work I document the lives of a group of boys that self-entitle the “Lost Boys”. They are young teenagers that for diferent reasons decided get together and live in the margins of society, creating a very unique comunity.
In the development Lost Boys I have made the choice to physically print every image as polaroids and have them stained as if they were in fact captured at the pictured moments. Each character has aspirations, strong personalities, secrets and special ways to see and interact with the world surrounding them in NYC.
In conclusion, this project is a personal project where I can experience a piece of my mind’s imaginated universe and having them printed in polaroid film elevates the imaginary to the tactyle. Suddenly it becomes real in it’s own way.
These are real scans of images taken from an imaginary world where a group of young teenagers live by nothing else than their own rules.